Flow Assurance is a technique applied to multiphase pipelines with a wide range of Liquid-gas ratios, from Wet-gas / gas-condensate pipelines to very low GOR crude oil flowlines, particularly in the definition of adequate procedures for operational changes such as start-ups, rampups, shutdowns and re-startups, etc.This discipline allows transient evaluation of (selected examples):
Glycol injection scheme to avoid hydrate formation during initial startup with surroundings still cold.
Evaluate optimal pipeline diameter to avoid flooding or generation of big slugs during a variety of operations.
Verification of capacity and control loops of existing Slug Catchers.
Slug generation during rampups. Maximum rampup speed (ramp / staggered) to prevent Slug Catcher flooding.
Alternatives for pigging procedures with limited slug catching capacity.
Packing, cooldown and hydrate risk after shutdown. Determination of "No-touch time" in order to perform a safe hot restart.
Hot restartup with packed line and flooded valleys.
If hydrate risk zone is entered, sequence for depressurization and cold restartup.
Other range of related results :
Corrosion studies (Conventional, Top Of Line).
Transient safety studies (e.g. evaluation of sudden depacking towards inlet separator).
High pourpoint pipelines. Design of thermal control schemes. Paraffin deposition analysis/prediction.